Category:Cutie BoingBoing
Development method
Core Idea
Trying to complete the game. Do as little work as possible. Be modular.
Game Design
Cutie is a physic 2D platformers where the set swings, making the character roll around.
- Game Design : Game Mechanics and principles
- Level Design : Levels design principle
- World Map : What the world, and every level.
There is no more Strawberries to bake a pie! Mother sends you to gather them along with a few Fluffberries for the taste!
Art in Cutie is a mix of Flat Design and Art Nouveau flourishes in vector style graphics.
The purpose here is to have a micro system architecture, for debugging purpose and also for adaptability, lighter systems and localization.
Mostly based on ScriptableObjects as controls.
Pages in category "Cutie BoingBoing"
The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.