Category:Bits of code

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For now, I'm using C# and Unity, so code here is going to be C#, may be a bit of shader code or stuff.

It's meant to be flexible, and not project specific, and will be updated each time I get a newer version, so I don't know, you may want to find a rss somewhere and keep yourself up-to-date.

If you see bugs, if you have questions, if for reasons you need to vent and feel like insulting me, please email me at


Curves, surface and meshing

Theses are stuff to make Unity create geometry, either at runtime or in the editor


Editor code


Cell Shading with a perlin noise

Shader with unlit normal colors (not properly working yet) and cell shaded contour with a perlin noise function to break up the line art.

Shader "Cutie/Z_Valid_Shaders/VertexColorUnlitStylishNormalPerspectiveCellShaded" {
	Properties {
        _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "black" {}
        _Color ("Front Colour", Color) = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        _LeftColor ("Left Colour", Color) = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        _RightColor ("Right Colour", Color) = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        _ShadowColor ("Shadow Colour", Color) = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        _ShadowIntensity ("Shadow Intensity", Range(-1.0,1.0)) = 0.2
        _TextureOpacity ("Texture Participation", Range(0.0,1.0)) = 1.0
        _ForegroundDepth ("Foreground Fog Depth", Float) = 5.0
        _ForegroundColor("Foreground Colour", Color) = (0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
        _BackgroundDepth ("Backgroud Fog Depth", Float) = 3.0
        _BackgroundColor("Background Colour", Color) = (0.4, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0)
       	[MaterialToggle] _Additive("Additive Texture", Float) = 1
       	_InkWidth("Ink Width", Range(0,1)) = 0.1
       	_InkColor("Ink Colour", Color) = (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)
       	_NoiseAmount("Noise Amount", Range(0,1)) = 0.7
       	samplerPerlinPerm2D("Perlin Perm", 2D) = "white" {}
       	samplerPerlinGrad2D("Perlin Grad", 2D) = "white" {}
    SubShader {
        Tags { "Queue"="Geometry" "IgnoreProjector"="True" "RenderType"="Opaque" }
       	pass {
       		Cull Back
       		ZWrite On
	        #pragma vertex vert
	        #pragma fragment frag
	        uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
	        uniform float4 _MainTex_ST;
	        uniform fixed4 _Color; //Front Color
	        uniform fixed _ShadowIntensity;
	        uniform fixed4 _LeftColor;
	        uniform fixed4 _RightColor;
	        uniform fixed4 _ShadowColor;
	        uniform fixed _TextureOpacity;
	        uniform half  _ForegroundDepth;
	        uniform half _BackgroundDepth;
	        uniform fixed4 _ForegroundColor;
	        uniform fixed4 _BackgroundColor;
	       	uniform bool _Additive;
	       	uniform fixed4 _InkColor;
	 		uniform half _InkWidth;
	 		uniform sampler2D samplerPerlinPerm2D;
	 		uniform sampler2D samplerPerlinGrad2D;
	 		uniform half _NoiseAmount;
	        struct vertexInput{
	        	half4 vertex: POSITION;
	            half4 vertColor: Color;
	            half4 textureCoord: TEXCOORD0;
	            half3 normal : NORMAL;
	        struct vertexOutput{
	        	half4 pos: SV_POSITION;
	        	half4 col: Color;
	        	half4 tex: TEXCOORD0;
	        	half4 posWorld: TEXCOORD1;
	        	fixed3 norm : NORMAL;
	        	fixed3 viewDir : TEXCOORD2;
	        	half dist: HALF;
	   		//Perlin noise from :
	   		float perlinNoise(float2 p, float seed)
	             // Calculate 2D integer coordinates i and fraction p.
	             float2 i = floor(p);
	             float2 f = p - i;
	             // Get weights from the coordinate fraction
	             float2 w = f * f * f * (f * (f * 6 - 15) + 10);
	             float4 w4 = float4(1, w.x, w.y, w.x * w.y);
	             // Get the four randomly permutated indices from the noise lattice nearest to
	             // p and offset these numbers with the seed number.
	             float4 perm = tex2D(samplerPerlinPerm2D, i / 256) + seed;
	             // Permutate the four offseted indices again and get the 2D gradient for each
	             // of the four permutated coordinates-seed pairs.
	             float4 g1 = tex2D(samplerPerlinGrad2D, perm.xy) * 2 - 1;
	             float4 g2 = tex2D(samplerPerlinGrad2D, * 2 - 1;
	             // Evaluate the four lattice gradients at p
	             float a = dot(g1.xy, f);
	             float b = dot(g2.xy, f + float2(-1,  0));
	             float c = dot(, f + float2( 0, -1));
	             float d = dot(, f + float2(-1, -1));
	             // Bi-linearly blend between the gradients, using w4 as blend factors.
	             float4 grads = float4(a, b - a, c - a, a - b - c + d);
	             float n = dot(grads, w4);
	             // Return the noise value, roughly normalized in the range [-1, 1]
	             return n * 1.5 ;
	        vertexOutput vert(vertexInput v){
	        	vertexOutput o;
	        	o.pos = mul( UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
	        	o.tex = v.textureCoord;
	        	o.posWorld = mul(_Object2World, v.vertex);
	        	o.col = v.vertColor;
	        	o.dist = saturate ((o.posWorld.z>0)?(o.posWorld.z / _BackgroundDepth):(-o.posWorld.z / _ForegroundDepth));
	        	o.norm = normalize(mul( float4(v.normal, 0.0), _World2Object).xyz),1.0;
	        	o.viewDir = normalize( -;
	        	return o;
	        fixed4 frag(vertexOutput i): COLOR{
	     		float4 c = tex2D(_MainTex, i.tex.xy * _MainTex_ST.xy +;
	     		half4 normalColor = (-i.viewDir.z * _Color) + (i.viewDir.y * _Color)
	     						   + (i.viewDir.x * _LeftColor) 
	     						   + (-i.viewDir.x * _RightColor)
	     						   - (i.viewDir.y * _ShadowIntensity * _ShadowColor)
	     						   - (-i.viewDir.y * _ShadowIntensity * _ShadowColor);
	     						   //* i.col;
	        	fixed4 finalColor = (1-i.dist) * (_Additive==1 ? saturate(float4(c.rgb,1.0) * _TextureOpacity * c.a + normalColor * (c.a * (1.0 - _TextureOpacity)))
	        												   : saturate(float4(c.rgb,1.0) * _TextureOpacity * c.a * normalColor) + normalColor * (1.0 - c.a * _TextureOpacity)) 
	        												   + i.dist * ((i.posWorld.z>0) ? (_BackgroundColor) : (_ForegroundColor));
				fixed perlin = (0.2 + perlinNoise(i.posWorld.xz,1)) * _NoiseAmount;
				fixed inkPass = 1 - saturate((dot(i.viewDir, i.norm) - _InkWidth * (perlin + 1 - _NoiseAmount)) * pow(2,10) + _InkWidth);
				//fixed4 inkColor = inkPass * (1-i.dist) * _InkColor + i.dist * ((i.posWorld.z>0) ? (_BackgroundColor) : (_ForegroundColor)); - Distance Affected -
				//return fixed4(-i.norm.z,-i.norm.z,-i.norm.z,1.0);
	        	return (1-inkPass)  * finalColor + inkPass * _InkColor;
   // FallBack "Diffuse"

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